Adam Warner Episode 11

Episode 11: Adam Warner

Adam Warner builds communities and connections. He is a true WordPress software evangelist in spirit and personality. Today, he is the Global Field Marketing Sr. Manager for GoDaddy, bringing his experience and knowledge of the web and online business to the WordPress community.

Adam is also passionate about his family, robots, and of course Life, the Universe and Everything.


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Christina: Hello and thanks for listening to wp_contribute. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Adam Warner. Adam builds communities and connections. He’s a true WordPress software evangelist in spirit and personality. Today, he’s the Global Field Marketing Senior Manager for GoDaddy bringing his experience and knowledge of the web and online business to the WordPress community. Adam is also passionate about his family, robots, and of course Life, the Universe and Everything. Welcome, Adam!

Adam: Thank you very much! Happy to be here.

Christina: So, Global Field Marketing Senior Manager for GoDaddy, please explain for those of us who need to understand that better.

Unknown Speaker
Yes, that’s a quite a long title. But what that translates to is I am the one who is managing all of the events in the WordPress space and the WordCamp space and the WordPress specific event space, which aren’t WordCamps. Also managing our WordPress global sponsorship that we do for the last six years. Deciding what events to go to in person when we went in person deciding what, how we’ll staff what we’ll do there. All of that stuff.

Christina: Excellent. And speaking of in person events and how they are no longer currently happening, there have been a couple of online events already and GoDaddy has been participating in those. Right?

Adam: That is correct. So I am on the GoDaddy Pro team and as sponsors we are, we’re sponsoring under the GoDaddy Pro brand. And then since February when WordCamp Asia was postponed, as we know that was the start of the domino effect for all of the events. We, I had done such a great job of utilizing my time after WordCamp US last year, up until WordCamp Asia, we scrambled to put that one together, and then planned out six or seven different events, fully staffed, travel booked, everything and then everything changed. So it took until let’s see what was the day it was WordCamp San Antonio was the first official WordCamp to go virtual. And we participated. We had a virtual sponsor booth via a Zoom Room link that we supplied to organizers. No one knew how this was going to work or pan out. But it turned out to be pretty fun. We we had a little fun with our with our Zoom Room, we had, I think, four or five people on staff kind of rotating throughout the weekend. We all used the same virtual background, which was our an image of our physical booth. We wore our GoDaddy Pro Makers of the Web t shirts. So we were all very on brand and matching. And the experience was was was was interesting, and it was mostly really great. The conversations that we had with participants who joined the Zoom Room, tended to be a little bit deeper in scale than you would typically get at a physical booth. Because most of the time with a physical booth after registration, you get the big wave of people and people are trying to get through and, and grab some swag from everybody, which is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. You want to do that first thing to make sure that people don’t run out. And then from there opening remarks and sessions start, and then you know, the ebb and flow of physical events starts. But with the virtual event, people were coming in at all times during sessions, after sessions in between sessions, and if we ended up having more people in the Zoom Room than was conducive to a conversation without interruptions. We could always use zoom breakout room and go have a one on one conversation. So it was it was pretty interesting. Now, compared to a physical physical event, the actual flow of attendees through, to our sponsor booth was less than what we were hoping for. But because San Antonio was a first time event, I think we all learned a few things. And then the second one WordCamp Santa Clarita Valley, organizers change changed things up a little bit where they were mentioning the sponsor zoom booths a little more, so we had a little more traffic and I think attendees were also a little more used to it, and more willing to kind of pop around into different zoom calls and things. So, so far, so good. Since then, there have been a few other virtual events that we’ve done. And it’s interesting that everybody is doing things a little bit differently and we’re all learning together. And but the beauty of it all the silver lining of it all is that everybody from organizers, volunteers, sponsors And even attendees are dead set on making this as best as it can be. Because what we all want at the end of the day is to be together.

Christina: Yeah,

Adam: it’s the intrinsic human thing. And in this WordPress and WordCamp community specifically, I think it’s even more so than than a typical event.

Christina: It’s the way of the WordPress community, right? We strive for greatness.

Adam: Yes. In the words of the Mandalorian This is the way

Christina: my thought just left my head cuz that’s funny. So teams that you contribute to.

Adam: Yes, so my WordPress journey and my my contribution journey has been an interesting one, at least to me. Maybe not to anybody else. But if you’re listening to this podcast, Obviously, you’re interested, I found WordPress in 2005, I was working full time for an audio book publisher, doing phone and web sales and also running a side business, doing photo to DVD memorials, which then I had to have a website for that. So I did and I was updating content there, you know, little 10 second MOV movies and things. And I had heard about this thing called blogging to advertise your business and I had partnered with a local funeral home for this business. So my thinking was, well, I need to franchise this. So I need to get the word out that this exists. And maybe I can do remote stuff. And I found WordPress. After testing out a few different platforms, started learning about it have started interacting in the forums. Learned so much from so many people all around the world. It was it was quite amazing to me and reminded me of my my experience back in the mid 90s when I first saw a bulletin board system, and I was chatting with people from all over the world, so I was hooked. And I started to give back into the forums and answering questions because I had asked so much. It was almost, I guess I almost felt guilty that I was taking and not giving. But also Maybe it was because I learned about the open source software philosophy of, you know, many hands make light work, and we should all give back in any way we can. So that was the way I could get back was answering questions on the forum. And then I started writing WordPress tutorials. And putting those out, blogging those for free. And then fast forward to 2016. I had given a couple of WordCamp talks, but I started working full time as a community evangelist Which I don’t like that title anymore. But that was the kind of the first title that that existed in our space for a different brand, which brought me to many a WordCamp. And also provided me the ability to do a lot of speaking sessions. So most of my contributions, I would say, our community based are in the community.

Christina: Right So you got a start in support, which is common for quite a few people, I think.

Adam: Yeah, I think that it makes sense, right? It

Christina: Yeah.

Adam: People who knew more than me, helped me so why shouldn’t I? Why shouldn’t I?

Christina: Yeah, it’s sort of the epitome of the WordPress community spirit. That’s how a lot of us think from what I’ve seen.

Adam: Yeah.

Christina: Nice. So I guess your contributor origin story, you kind of just told us as well right starting off with the support and Sort of the progression of how everything is carried on for you. What would you say is your proudest contribution so far?

Adam: Oh boy. Well, in 2011, I was working full time for an HVAC manufacturer, I had taken on their HTML website and moved it to a WordPress multi site installation and started to grow that but I was working in WordPress full time, every single day for this for this company. And in 2011, I ran into having to having the need to have custom plugins created for this platform that I had built. And I had tried to be a theme designer back in the day and learned that my design skills are non existent. No one wanted to use my themes. I had tried to be a plugin developer and white screen of deathed many sites. So I was on the Gravity Forms forum. And I was trying to create this Gravity Forms extension and was running into trouble. So I was asking people on the forums, this guy named Brad helped me out and I said, Can I just you know, can we just work together and get this done? We did. And then we kept the conversation going. I said, Hey, Brad, I have all these ideas for these plugins. And obviously, you’re a developer I’m not Would you like to partner up so in 2011, we partnered up and released a plugin called FooBox, which was a an image lightbox plugin. And the whole idea behind it was when an image opened up in the light bl light box. Then you could append social sharing icons on to that image, that’s it. So we released that for free in repo. And that was the beginning of my proudest moment of giving back and contributing was being able to provide not being a developer provide a free plugin for use. So between that FooBox and then there’s a Foo Gallery plugin, and I’m no longer involved with Foo Plugins. We started this, wellI fast forwarded there didn’t I? So, long story short, Brad and I created an and team created a few plugins FooBox and Foo Gallery, the two most popular there’s a few hundred thousand installs of each. And that’s pretty proud to be able to be part of a team that gives back a useful plugin and tool for other people to use but whether they’re just getting started with WordPress or they’re full on agency level hardcore developers that need a fast solution,

Christina: Right. And those plugins still exist in the repo?

Adam: Yes, those plugins still exist. I think they go first submission was in repo was in 2012, I think. But I left a Foo Plugins, the company we had started shortly before I came on with GoDaddy about a year and a half ago.

Christina: Okay. And you said that was sort of the beginning part of your proudest moment. Is there. Another piece there?

Adam: Hmm. Not so much. Just the fact that I was able to be part of, again, a team that created a solution that a lot of other people use, but I think my my proudest contribution would be my community work. I’m very cognizant of the fact that community means more than just showing up. It means mostly to me, it means listening. It means listening to individual people within the community, or at any event or even outside of, you know, quote unquote, the community.

Christina: Right.

Adam: And, and translating those the needs of those people that they’re communicating and in terms of building websites and solutions, listening to those and translating those back into actual products for people to use. So I think I don’t think I know that my proudest moment is contributing to the community and, and hopefully making it better and more inclusive of all people of all ilks and backgrounds. Yeah,

Christina: excellent. And I can say from experience that you definitely do make people feel included.

Adam: Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate that. That means more than you know.

Christina: Happy to say it. I don’t think I checked. You are in Florida. Am I right with that?

Adam: I am, yes.

Christina: Okay. And what area of Florida are you?

Adam: I am in Orlando now I’m originally from Michigan from West Michigan. I moved to Florida in 2002. Okay. And spent a couple of years there had some family stuff happen actually, it was the I’ve told this story before so forgive me if you’ve already heard it. But the reason I moved back to Michigan one of the reasons were, was well, the main reason was that my brother passed away. So I moved back to be with family and that was the the impetus of the photo to DVD Memorial business. So I had made one for his funeral. Family liked it. I started making copies, funeral director etc, etc. So we’re talking about silver linings.

Christina: Yeah,

Adam: there is always a silver lining in anything. And if I if he wouldn’t have passed away, and I wouldn’t have made that DVD for his funeral, I wouldn’t have had the website for this business, which I wouldn’t have found WordPress.

Christina: Yeah.

Adam: Or maybe I would have but not in the

Christina: a different way

Adam: the way I did. Yeah,

Christina: yeah. I have fun trasing all those little connections in my life as well on how things affect different things. And absolutely, there’s always a silver lining you just, it may not be obvious right away. But it’s there. .

Adam: Yeah And that’s I have a talk where it’s loosely titled, well, it’s titled WordPress from passion to profession. But in that talk, I talk about the moments that matter and looking back Of course, hindsight is always 20/20 I look at all these kind of at the time, they didn’t seem pivotal at all, but these these moments that that turned out to be pivotal in my path to finding my way in with the software and with this community and and life really.

Christina: Yeah.

Adam: So WordPress has been with me for a long time, and I intend to stay with it for as long as I can.

Christina: That’s good to hear. Have you ever been to a contributor day in all of your WordCamp dealings and outside of WordCamp

Adam: interesting story. So I feel as though I am a contributor to the WordPress project, through my support forum through providing plugins through my community work, and I have been to several contributor days, but I’ve never actually sat down with with my laptop and contributed, and the reason there are reasons for this,

Christina: and that’s okay.

Adam: Well, thank you. I appreciate that

Christina: as an organizer of contributor days, I still think that that is valid. I’ll let you tell your story, but I’m sure it’s still a valid form of contributing.

Adam: Well, I hope so. And thank you for saying that because I do have a fair amount of guilt and quite frankly, imposter syndrome about that very subject. So, I’ll, I’ll just give you an example of a typical event schedule when we were at physical events. So you I arrived the day early, make sure all of our booth and swag and stuff shows up. I’m up typically at 5am every day, going to set up the booth and standing on your feet all day for two days, two full days in a row. If contributor day’s is the third day, and then contributor day happens and I am exhausted from an entire weekend from traveling. And I typically always show up at contributor day but what happens is I end up having conversations with people and the hallway track is where you’ll find me. And it’s not because I don’t want to, you know, sit down on a marketing team or community team and actually contribute in that way. It’s that there are typically a lot of follow up conversations that need to happen after having talked to attendees and organizers and things throughout an event. But to be quite honest, it’s also it’s, it’s a little less responsibility for me because I had been at this location at this time to make sure we were set up for this and you know, all of this very rigid scheduling. I like to have a bit of a break and a free flow after an event for sure.

Christina: I think that’s fair. And absolutely, you know, having organized, being part of the organizing team for WordCamp US and as the contributor day organizer, one of them part of that team. That is a long event, when you’re involved in it from the back end, right, which as a sponsor imagine, well, you all you do you like as a sponsor as well, is what I’m saying because yeah, we’re all there. You know, we have those responsibilities, and so brains turn to mush by the end. But I think that there is a lot of value in that hallway track, as you call it, which I’ve never really thought about contributor day is having a hallway track, but it absolutely does. And those conversations that happen outside of sitting down at the various different team tables and participating in whatever their projects are for the day. Those conversations still result in people growing, doing new things, new initiatives sometimes come out of those. So that’s still growing the community growing the project, which, to me is what contributing is all about whether you’re on an official team or not. So that’s why I say there’s still absolutely value in what you’re doing and it still counts as contributing.

Adam: Well, I appreciate that so much. And, you know, another part of this is that I have the part that doesn’t make me feel guilty and that doesn’t give me imposter syndrome is that I do feel we are contributing because I am encouraging our team and our staff. I mean, if you look at the, Five for the Future and look, look up GoDaddy. You will see many many people within the company who contribute to WordPress in various ways. And if I can help facilitate the growth of the contributor world by asking our staff, hey, contributor days happening, we would love for you to to be involved in that and then just let them know to pick and choose where they want to be. So facilitating that, I think is important to encouraging people to do that. And then on the flip side, well, not on the flip side, but in addition to that, we are always very active on Twitter during events. So we are promoting contributor day to attendees who may have never heard of one don’t know what it is always touting the “you don’t need to be a developer to contribute” mantra, because it’s so important. So yeah,

Christina: exactly. And I think there’s also value just to having representatives from the sponsors at contributor day as well showing that the sponsors don’t just care about the time that they have their booth set up.

Adam: Sure. I think we’ve seen that I think probably

Christina: Yeah,

Adam: we’ve we’ve seen sponsors swoop in five minutes before the event starts and then as soon as it’s over or before sometimes they’re they’re out of there and and to me, you know, to each their own but there’s not real community value in that. It’s it’s, it’s that’s typical sales and marketing trade show line of thinking which in an open source community and in the WordPress community specifically. That doesn’t work.

Christina: It’s like in in the movie Office Space, those sponsors only have the seven pieces of flair. They’re not putting the extra flair efforts in.

Adam: That’s Right. And and I mean it, you know what it It shows. To me it signals a lack of authenticity, which I think authenticity is probably the most important thing in building any community or being involved in any community. And along with that vulnerability, being able to say this is where my limitation is and which really has nothing to do with what we’re talking about…

Christina: We go off and all kinds of tangents it’s all good. All, good. Let’s see. you’ve answered a lot of my questions all at the same time. So I got to go through my list and see where we’re at. I’m gonna ask you, although you’ve kind of already answered this, but in case it’s changed from your origin story, Why do you contribute these days?

Adam: Why do I contribute? I would say it’s a few different reasons. The first one is completely and utterly selfish. And that is I want this software and the software project in this community to continue to exist.

Christina: Nice.

Adam: And I want to continue to be a part of it and exist within it. Okay, so let’s be honest, that’s why. I mean that that really is one of the major reasons because I have found so much personal value in it. But aside from that selfish reason, looking at the larger scope of I’m going to bring it all the way to the human experience. Anything that exists that pulls people together rather than pushes them apart is something I want to be a part of. And something I want to continue to exist and to grow and to. And to morph into, into iterate to in my furniture, manufacturing days continuous improvement. And that really comes into play quite a bit.

Christina: Nice. I like that.

Christina: Okay. Good!

Christina: And I would even. I even kind of want to say I don’t think your selfish reason is entirely selfish. But

Adam: well, if you can see it from both ways, right?

Christina: Yeah. Absolutely

Adam: Essentially, I would love for this. You know,

Christina: you want it to be around for you for your reasons. Yeah

Adam: but but I want it to be around for all the reasons in why The WordPress software project is so valuable and that is, again, because it brings people together. And I think we have a long way to go to make this a truly inclusive experience but like anything in life, it’s very, very difficult to do that. But I think as a community, we’re, we’re, we’re miles ahead of where other projects may be

Christina: I think so. I think we have some pretty amazing people in our community.

Adam: That is true, including you,

Christina: and you.

Adam: All right, now that we propped each other up

Christina: all right, Yay us. Um, do you have any advice for people who are wanting to contribute? What maybe Is there like a pep talk you give to Team staff team members that if they’re feeling kind of not so sure

Adam: Yeah, again with, you know, the easy answer is continuing to communicate that you do not need to be a developer, you do not need to be a designer. You do not need to be a marketer, you don’t need to be a writer. You don’t need to be a polyglot, you don’t need to be any of the contribution teams definition of a contributor. If you are someone who wants to spread the value of the software in this community in some way, then you are a contributor and that you are valuable and that your just showing up to a contributor day just showing up to any of the number of community team recurring meetings. Even if you’re only observing and learning is contributing. And so that and then also, as individual people, I really focus on trying to trying to have people realize their own personal value. Right. And we we all deal with self doubt and imposter syndrome and a bunch of different ways and, and I’ve just recently as a matter of fact, had to recognize that I had hit an emotional and physical wall with the amount of tasks I was doing the workload, the teaching our children now at home, working the weird hours, but becoming physically and emotionally unhealthy and then recognizing that, that I needed to take a break. So I just took a week off of work in the midst of a lot of chaos, but the point in communicating that to you Is that when we’re at events and the people that I work with and who are who are working within the community and staffing, our, our booths, I, I really, my, I don’t know how to say this, I’m going around the circles. My goal not just within WordPress and community, but in life is to try and help every person recognize some part, at least of their value of their personal value. And I think maybe a lot of this comes from when my brother passed away, he committed suicide. So he had, and he was 34. And he had been dealing with the ups and downs of mental illness since he was 16. So I think maybe part of that comes from that experience that I had as a very close observer, and a very close supporter of someone who had a lot of self doubt. So yeah, I don’t know if that answers the question, but There we are.

Christina: Yeah. Excellent. So and I fully agree with that, that you don’t, you don’t need to be any thing in particular and I air quoted thing there for people who can’t see, but whoever you are, whatever you are, there’s a role for you in community. I mean, we need testers and users and because every part of the WordPress ecosystem, if you will, is influenced by how we contribute. And so if you’re even just a visitor to a website, you know, what, how you want to use a website and can help provide information and user testing, right, like, there’s there’s no end to ways that people can contribute.

Adam: Yeah, and you know, just jumping off of that for a moment when I was talking about my my trying to be a designer of the theme creator Trying to be a plugin developer and failing epically. And then having this moment where I, you know, who am I in this space before I found while I can contribute back with with knowledge and tutorials and things, it was around that time or maybe it was probably after Tom McFarlin coined the phrase Implementer. And previous to him coining that phrase Implementer as a description of someone using WordPress, I had called myself a web solutions architect, which thinking back now it sounds, I’m embarrassed, but when he came up with the term Implementer it really fit very well because being in the space and knowing you know, what, what the latest theme frameworks were the latest plugins and these kinds of things, being able to to be aware of those things and put those pieces together. It made complete sense and I was an implementer I would implement certain tools. So even if you’re you’re listening to this and you’re feeling like, you’re still feeling like you can’t contribute, please push those thoughts out of your head and just get involved in any way you can.

Christina: Yeah. Reach out to one of us if you need to

Adam: there you go, absolutely

Christina: need a friend in the space.

Adam: Absolutely.

Christina: Awesome. All right. Is there anything else about contributions that you want to talk about that we haven’t talked about? I think we’ve covered…

Adam: Well, now, I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I do think it’s, it’s important to note the Five for the Future initiative. And in short, that is a request from Matt Mullenweg to companies utilizing WordPress the software to contribute back to the project or the community with 5 percent of their time. And there are some great companies doing that. WebDevStudios is one. GoDaddy is another. Bluehost is another. And there are, there are many others that contribute back from a company and a corporate level.

Christina: Right.

Adam: And I think that other companies could benefit from doing the same. Not only do you benefit, obviously you get a little, you know, pat on the back, hey, we contribute to the software. But what it does is it gets you closer to the project closer to the community closer to the decisions that are being being made on a daily basis about the changes that are happening, most recently, the WordPress editor and

Christina: right

Adam: it’s just happening there or that have happened there. So I would just add that If you’re listening to this, and if you work for an agency, or any company that isn’t actively contributing to WordPress, suggest Five for the Future.

Christina: Yeah, and there’s just like contributing itself. There are a variety of ways for that to be implemented. Right. So it doesn’t have to be a fixed way that doesn’t work for your company. You know, like, I know some companies do, where they have people who are specifically designated their jobs are to contribute and be part of that Five for the Future. At WebDevStudios we do Five for the Future Fridays, so the last currently the last Friday of every month, we all contribute somehow we spend that whole day contributing.

Adam: And I love seeing those those those tweets.

Christina: Yeah.

Adam: Because what it what it usually is, is that someone is tweeting that they’re working on their Five for the Future Friday. And they’re working on learning something new, or implementing something new. And

Christina: yeah. Also valuable.

Adam: And like you said, companies like GoDaddy actually have people on staff that they’ve hired specifically to contribute to the software.

Christina: Yeah.

Adam: Which is great.

Christina: I think it’s amazing. And so yeah, and and even if you are an individual, you can still play along at home.

Adam: That’s right. You can.

Christina: And I know we do like, because we use the hashtag on Twitter. 5FTF. Yeah. And we encourage people to join us on our Five for the Future Fridays.

Adam: So if you’re listening to this, look up that hashtag on Twitter. You’ll see some fun stuff.

Christina: Yeah. Excellent. All right. My favorite question of the episode. I don’t know why I get so excited about this every time but really, you know what, I need to have like a little intro.

Adam: Yes a little kazoo.

Christina: That’s next on my list. Which Wapuu is your favorites?

Adam: Well, I’m glad that you gave me a little lead time on this question.

Adam: Because I have a few favorites.

Christina: All right. Lay ’em on me.

Adam: Okay. So I’m going to tow the company line here a moment. There are several GoDaddy Wapuus. The most recent ones were at WordCamp US last year. We had developer designer, agency and maker of the web, maker of the web…there’s the fifth one, I can’t remember. But we had those pins made and those turned out really nice. I was very proud of that. But I think long term, there are two that jumped out at me and for different reasons. One is the Gravity Forms Astronaut Moon Wapuu. Okay, and I’d like him because I am a definite space nerd. I like all things space, space travel. And that Wapuu has a spacesuit on. And he’s holding a moon. So very nice there. And then the second would be from Green Geeks, their official Wapuu named Spex, and he’s a bit of a nerdy Wapuu. He’s green, with dark glasses with a little tape in the middle and a pocket protector. And the reason I like him other than he’s pretty unique looking, is that Green Geeks have focused over the past year or so on providing children’s size t shirts at their booth. And so, my two boys six and eight have a few different Spex Wapuu t shirts that I enjoy seeing when they’re running around the house. When I’m not able to be with my WordPress people.

Christina: Yeah, that’s nice and can I just say I love and I’ve noticed this before not just in you mentioning the Green Geeks and Spex and that I love that the sponsors within our community don’t treat each other like rivals.

Christina: Hmm.

Christina: From what I’ve seen, you know, like I’ve at WordCamp US. I remember seeing Green Geeks people wearing the GoDaddy hats and GoDaddy was wearing something Green, GoDaddy and Green Geeks especially I think but but I’ve seen it among other other sponsors as well, even when they’re sponsors in sort of the same. I’m going to say general space because I know that there’s absolutely differences in in the hosting that each company provides. But at its core, Green Geeks and GoDaddy are both hosting companies.

Adam: Yeah, you know, I’m really

Christina: But you all get along.

Adam: Yeah, and I’m happy you brought that up. Because, you know, from my perspective, I’m a community member first. Now I’m a sponsor representative. You know, and that is something that we have heard multiple times from attendees new to WordCamps Actually, I it’s so interesting to see all the different hosts here all getting along, as if they were expecting us to be, you know, mean to each other or pulling pranks on each other. Well, we do pull pranks.

Christina: Yeah. But that’s part of the fun.

Adam: But listen, you know, we’re, we’re all people, right? And there that’s goes along with the open source philosophy and I think the WordPress philosophy in and of itself is that there’s no need to, to push any one person or any brand or anything down in order to rise up. This truly is the, you know, cliche, a rising tide raises all ships. So it’s typical that I’ll be commiseratiing with Bluehost or Green Geeks and you know, the people that are making decisions there and talking about some of the challenges and hurdles that we all face and brainstorming ideas and how we might, you know, surpass those things. And it’s a very collaborative experience. There. It’s funny though, because we are all friends and you you have this collaborative experience, but there always comes a point where, where you have to just you have to hold back that one great idea that you have,

Christina: right

Adam: that you know, that others could implement in an instant. But No, I’m just kidding. But not really. But it does happen. But it’s not. It’s not typical. So yeah, that is something really interesting and, and I think important to point out in the community.

Christina: Yeah. Again, I love our community. I can’t say it enough.

Adam: I I truly I don’t know where I would be without WordPress the software. I know where I would be without WordPress, the community. And that would be a much more narrow minded person, I think. I mean, that’s kind of a dig on myself because I’ve always prided myself as being an open minded person, but getting involved with the community and interacting with people from all over the world has really helped shape my my view of the world over the last 15 years. It’s been really, really important.

Christina: Excellent. So speaking of community if somebody wants to be part of your community, how can people find you online?

Adam: Well, these days I am most active on Twitter. My handle is @wpmodder That’s w p m o d d e r. And it’s a terrible name that I wish I would have chosen differently but it stood for WordPress modifier or modification because I was modifying WordPress in the early days.

Christina: I thought maybe you were a moderator

Adam: No, but maybe I should start telling that story. Now, so wpmodder on Twitter. And then I believe we’ll have a link to the GoDaddy Pro Community WordCamp landing page on this episode, but yeah, those two places are the best place to find me. And my DMS are open. So if you have anything that you want to discuss, WordPress related, human connection related, community related, please feel free to send me a message. I’m happy to chat with you.

Christina: Wonderful. Thanks so much for talking with me today, Adam. It’s been great having you.

Adam: Oh, thanks so much for having me. I feel truly honored to be here.

Christina: Well, likewise for having you. Thanks.