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Justin is a WordPress developer and core contributor based in Cotonou, Bénin. He currently works at Seme City Development Agency, an innovation and knowledge hub launched by the current government of Benin.
- Twitter: @justinahinon1
- Slack: @justinahinon
- Teams: Core, Documentation, Translation
- Website: https://segbedji.com
- Favourite Wapuu: Tuktuk Wapuu, Wapuu Lagos
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Christina: Hello and thanks for listening to WP_contribute. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Justin Ahinon. Justin is a WordPress developer and core contributor based in Cotonou, Bénin.
He currently works at DASC, an innovation and knowledge hub launched by the current government of Bénin. Welcome, Justin.
Justin: Hey, Christina. I’m happy to be here.
Christina: Thank you for being here. And please, can you say your name properly so that people don’t have my horrible pronunciation to go by?
Justin: So I’m Justin Ahinon.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: I live in Cotonou, Bénin.
Christina: Right, and the full name of the company that you work for?
Justin: So it’s a Development Agency of Seme City, DASC,
Christina: Okay. Because you were nice and gave me the short form. Is there anything that that you want to tell us before we get going about who you are and your, your experience in the WordPress world?
Justin: Sure, I would say that the I think the most interesting fact I say to people, is that, I’ve I was not, like, prepared to work in WordPress field something like three or four years ago, I was totally going to take another path. And I found myself in the WordPress space, in the WordPress space and I’m still here today so.
Christina: Nice. So that’s lucky for us. What we’re going to do instead of WordPress?
Justin: so I was studying Applied Statistics. So my intention was to pursue in data science and other fields related to the die in informatics. Okay. But then I discovered WordPress almost four years ago and I’m here now. .
Christina: Yeah That’s great. That sounds like something my son might be interested in. He likes math a lot. So you’ve been working with WordPress for about four years, how long have you been contributing back to it?
Justin: So, I would see that I start contributing towards WordPress something like 2 years ego.
Christina: Okay. And how did you get started?
Justin: After one year and a half I start with WordPress, so I have spent one year and half working with WordPress but knowing absolutely anything about contribution. Actually, I didn’t even know that there’s there’s something that was called contribution.
Christina: Right
Justin: And, Yeah, so I remember I was like browsing internet looking probably for a tutorial and then I found the website make.wordpress.org. That’s the kind of house of WordPress contribution.
Christina: Right.
Justin: And that’s how I discovered that is I can contribute to WordPress. So I remember that when I started, I was maybe a little bit lost between all the among all the different, I mean the different parts of contribution. And so I just start with the, what I found the most easy at that time. That was translation.
Christina: Right
Justin: So I natively speak French, so it was enough pleasure for me to traduce, translate WordPress from English to French. So yeah, that’s how I start contributing with translation.
Christina: So then how does that work when you do translation for WordPress?
Justin: So, as I saying, I was first very lost among the different paths, but I was also lost in how contribution works so. So I was not understanding very well the idea behind contribution. That it’s volunteer work. And it’s also collaboration work. So maybe our assumption was that when it was someone, I mean, it was something punctual, but actually it’s not the case. It’s a whole collaboration work. So I found translation first interesting, but confusing, because I didn’t know what to translate.
Christina: right
Justin: because I have, they had in translation, there are many paths like translating WordPress, translating themes, translating plugins so I was translating make I mean WordPress website itself and I was very lost and I didn’t know at that time a group of translators or a group of people that I can trying to talk with to ask for advises. So yeah I just listen, I just jumped into translation in that translating as as things come to me
Christina: You just dove in headfirst. That’s great! So what other teams do you contribute to? Because I know you don’t just, you haven’t just contributed to translation.
Justin: So, after I contribute to translation I start exploring other themes. So as I explore a little bit documentation of the translation. And this was at the beginning of Gutenberg because they will need have a lot of documentation for Gutenbert. And so it was at that time that the WordPress community have start migrating from Codex to the new HelpHub, that will host all the WordPress documentation.
Christina: Right.
Justin: So I have done some work, they helped me in writing some new articles for Gutenberg and migrate one or two Codex page to HelpHub. So that was a very short passage at the documentation team at that time. And after that I’ve joined the core team. That I have directly loved. I was a developer, so the idea that I can help on with, with code or with anything related to WordPress core was very nice to me.
So I mean, the core team was like the thing that was that was for me. So after I trained the core team I have I stayed there time till now. But… after contributing to core I’ve noticed ithat teams work together.Contribution teams of WordPress work together so when start contributing to core I can say definitely you notice that you would have to do some contribution to documentation. You have to do contribution to meta, or whatever. So they work very closely together. And so they see that I have done translation documentation and core. And then a mix of them. Oh, I think I forget something. I also contribute just a little bit to the themes review team.
Christina: Yeah.
Justin: It was when I was about to submit some themes, so to wordpress.org. So, I was wanting to know how the review team worked, how people evaluate the themes and how, how they are accepted. What are the criteria? So I did a little passage in the themes, themes team.
Christina: And did your theme make it through?
Justin: So yeah,
Christina: yeah.
Justin: That’s a funny story, because I think I’ve been rejected up to, what, four or five times? Maybe more actually, because of Yeah, I was not like really aware of the process of the criterias. So one thing is you have to mention any assets, any third parties that are using in the themes in the license, those things, so that’s one thing that I was not really aware of and because of just very little things my theme got reject. A lot of times, but finally, yeah,
Christina: yeah. Got it all figured out.
Justin: Yeah.
Christina: That’s great. And is it still in the repository?
Justin: Yeah, the name is Do It Simple.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: Actually, I have not updated it for more than one year. But it seems this one websites on … is running it right now. But yeah, it was my lesson my first year and Yeah. I love it. I don’t think I will remove it from the repository whenever I find time I’ll maybe improve it. Yeah,
Christina: yeah. Awesome. That’s, I think you’re the first person on the show to have something in the repository. In any of the repositories. That’s cool.
Justin: Oh.
Christina: So, uh, let’s see, where do we want to go? Let’s, I want to know, what’s your proudest contribution, because you’ve kind of told us about a lot of the different things you’ve done. What would you say is the proudest contribution you’ve made so far? Big or small?
Justin: So, the biggest was probably when I was in the release team of 5.3. But the proudest for me would probably be the WordPress Translation Day 4.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: That’s that I attend online and I gave a presentation about internal, international
Christina: internationalization. i18n
Justin: Internationalization. Yeah, i18n of themes and plugins. So yeah, this probably the proudest moment for me, actually, it was not, when I, but it was much too cool because the video quality was very horrible. I was at a WordCamp in another country.
Christina: Yeah.
Justin: I was having difficulties to find a reliable internet connection. Yeah, it was really. I mean, the video itself for it was horrible but the experience was great and I’m very proud.
Christina: Yeah, that sounds really great. So that was for World Translation Day you said right?
Justin: Yeah. Yeah. That was in May 2019 I think.
Christina: Okay. Right. So they do that every May, if I remember correctly.
Justin: Each year. I think that varies a little bit from year to year.
Christina: And what do they typically, it’s all online right?
Justin: Yeah, it’s a it 24 hours event online.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: Where people from every part of the world living in very different time zones, they gather to to, each of us have something like a time slot, depending of the location, the time zone, and then for 30 minutes to one hour. They speak about a topic and if they have time, or if the attendees are interest, they self select, and this change about the topic you have discussed.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: It’s a very nice event.
Christina: So basically an online conference in 24 hours, all about translation and internationalization.
Justin: Yeah.
Christina: That’s awesome. So that’ll be coming up in a couple of months. We’ll have to keep an eye out for that. And tell us more about what you said was your biggest but not necessarily proudest moment with working on the release team for core.
Justin: Yeah, that was clearly the biggest moment. Actually, I’ve helped on the release team of WordPress, a minor version before. It was 5.2.2.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: And yeah at that time this was obviously my my biggest moment but after that came 5.3. And when I where I lead documenation and I’ve also been the focus lead, so I would say that things come really not planned for me when it come to releasing in WordPress version because the first, my first version that I was release lead for I didn’t really plan to be release lead for the situation but when, as a core chat so core chat had happen on Wednesday, so at the core chat, we were like talking about the next session in we were like forming a team or a release team. And yeah, I just raised my hand and said, I like to contribute. And yeah, here’s how I found myself. Can you believe it? Actually, I didn’t know anything about releasing any version.
So I start learning at that time, browsing the handbooks, seeing what what’s it mean to do. Yeah, so that was the first experience, but like, the second one was more, let’s see more cool for me because I already had an experience in releasing the WordPress version and yeah
so I was also very absolutely interest in the documentation part of WordPress. So, when they will be looking for different roles for the release group and so the the world of documentation for the editor is kind of new.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: Because we it’s just for, if I remember well three, two or three major versions that there have been a documentation lead for WordPress so yeah, so I just like to say jump into this role.
Christina: And what does that role do?
Justin: So basically, the main purpose of the role is to ensure that everything that’s new in new version is well documented. So because new major version introduce new things, maybe new functions, maybe new hooks, new filters, and new features also, that’s the that’s the maybe the most important part that needs to be documented so that people developing themes or developing plugins can be aware of the new features that come in …, maybe new deprecation of features that can come in WordPress version so it’s very important that all these things get documented correctly. And so the documentation core team work for closely with the conflict maintainers, because those are people who define or head to define the scope of a commit for a particular release. So, documentation coordinator was very closely with them to gather of all the new things or everything that needs to be documented. And make sure that people who for instance if a contributor work on a feature, a new feature for a new version of WordPress, he can decide to write a documentation notes, that we call, sorry, a dev notes for this version. So the documentation coordinator have to make sure that all these notes are worded correctly in time, so that they can get shipped on a differnet place may be the core blog or version page or something like that.
Basically, the purpose of the role is making sure everything is very well documented. And actually, it’s a very important role in it also plays our work closely with the marketing team, more related to new features because that’s what I noticed after working as documentation coordinator, for instance, when some new features came to version 5.3 for instance, the feature of big image threshold so with 5.3 the very big image that I upload to WordPress, I kind of resize automatically.
And so I have wrote the dev notes for this feature. And whenever they have been something like, I don’t remember maybe 200 or 150 comments about the the feature of people who maybe disagree or people who don’t understand. That’s why the documentation coordinator have to work very closely with the marketing team to ensure that any new documentation is let’s say, I mean, people are very well informed people who use WordPress are informed about what’s coming, what could eventually break the website or change how the website is functioning.
So that’s, that’s what the ad for. So it was a long release. I think it took two months or more. It will be long and very interesting release.
Christina: So two months is long.
Justin: Yeah. Minor release took, maybe three weeks. Three weeks to one month.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: But the planning of this core, of the release.
Christina: Right.
Justin: of how many new features are coming. Major release took maybe two, two and a half months? That wasn’t the case when since of the last release was coming right now. 5.4. Who is features I’ll say which will be maybe a little bit shorter than the precedent.
Christina: Are you working on that release too?
Justin: So, no, not closely. I’m not working in the release team. Actually, it’s so one of my one of the things that I don’t find not too much cool for me very personally when I was when I contribute to core is about the time zone. So most of the time, for instance, the dev chats happen on Wednesday at what 10pm my time.
Christina: Okay
Justin: So I’m probably about to go to sleep at that time.
Christina: Right.
Justin: So when I was working in the last two release like 5.2 to 5.3, I took on me to be I mean, to be there like, every I mean, every time my my help was needed. So for dev chats, I was the at maybe from 10pm to 11 to noon. Then also after the dev chats everything that’s about bug scrubs, and but triaging tickets. They used to happen in US time.
Christina: Right.
Justin: So yeah it’s maybe it’s hard for people living in maybe European GMT to to attend these if you don’t have maybe something like passion or dedication for that right but I am very happy that the core team decided to organize some bug scrubs in European time. Each week they’ll say bug scrub at eight or 7am in my time for me, I’m in GMT plus one.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: So yeah, these are like a bug scrub each week or each two week in the morning. So that’s kind of interesting for people who can’t attend the activities in the nights due to the time zone.
Christina: Right, interesting. I think, what am I, GMT minus six or seven, depending on the time of year because it changes.
Justin: It’s a very large time difference.
Christina: Yeah, I can imagine I’m on I’m not even on the West Coast but some of the people that I work with are two hours behind. No ahead of me. I’m two hours behind them and even that can get sometimes not problematic, but inconvenient, let’s say.
Justin: Yeah, yeah.
Christina: So having eight or nine or 10 hours.
Justin: Yeah, yeah.
Christina: It gets tricky.
Justin: Actually it’s interesting that one of the main contributor or one of the main core contributor in France, we also we live in the same time zone actually, I will say that I’ve stayed in core contribution because of this person. He is like very involved in the WordPress community and in WordPress contribution. And he we also live in the same time zone and he’s very dedicated to contributing to WordPress core and I’m kind of maybe following his example. So yeah, I try to keep up and yeah.
Christina: Sounds good. That’s a good reason to, to keep doing it. Motivation, right?
Justin: Yeah.
Christina: What would you say is the reason why you continue to contribute and give back to WordPress? What’s in it for you?
Justin: So, I will say that the first reason, probably the main reason is like, it’s all in the motto, giving back to the community. Because when I have started working with WordPress at the first time, it was like, by pleasure or by passion, it was because I really loved it. I adopt it because I really loved it and later when I found a job as WordPress developer or whatever, actually at that time I was not even thinking that it’s possible to.
So I used to see people hire, I have been a web developer. But I was I was not aware that it was possible to be hired to be a WordPress developer. The first time I’ve start a job as WordPress developer, I found it very amazing. And I found that this tool this software already gave a lot to me. So I just found natural to help making it better.
Christina: Right.
Justin: Help making more people aware of it. Because like, maybe five or five years ago, I didn’t even know that there are some things called WordPress.
Christina: Yeah.
Justin: At that time, I would say that I was very interested in everything about, I was already developing, like, maybe the clasic way. And I was lucky where that there was something called WordPress so, I found very natural to help people who don’t know about WordPress, know about it and, see what they can what they can make with WordPress.
Christina: Right.
Justin: And yeah, making it better. It’s also important to me because I’ve been a user, and I’ve faced some maybe frustrations. I had some expectations that WordPress didn’t satisfy at that time. And I was not understanding that there was this was the work of volunteer people that way, dedicating their time to make it better so, yeah. Being the fact that I have been a user of WordPress before being maybe a developer or whatever, make me understand the importance of contribution of helping people where maybe I’ve personally failed or where maybe I’ve been frustated. Yeah.
Christina: Right. Sounds good.
Justin: I really love like, giving back to WordPress.
Christina: Yeah, it gets it’s, it’s addictive and people who contribute a lot continue to contribute a lot. I think they like it.
Justin: Yeah.
Christina: A lot.
Justin: Yeah. It gets more interesting and yes, sometime I personally think that I personally expect that one day at a time, I will be able to contribute some more. Because like, right now, I contribute, maybe in my spare time or when I’m not at work or whatever. But I really expect to be able to give more to WordPress to contribute for to all the teams to explore new things, too. Yeah. Yeah, I really expect that one day will come where I may be be contributing. Maybe do half of my work in time. Oh, yeah.
Christina: That would be good. How can people get involved with the core team, if they’re new, if they want to start getting in.
Justin: So. So, the first thing is to so I love to refine this point is that contributing the in to WordPress first doesn’t mean contribute with codes and also contribute to the core team doesn’t need to contribute just code. In the core team itself there are many things that are not code related. So for people with first contributing, they don’t have to be may be afraid of to deal with code at the first time because they are many paths. And I would say that the maybe the easiest way I found to start contributing to WordPress core, it’s to help on, how they call it, they’re in our Trac, our ticketing system.
Christina: Right.
Justin: Yeah. Some tickets that are tagged, I don’t recall exactly first contribute or something like that. These are tickets that are very easy. And maybe you just need to change a CSS line, CSS, or acutally even commenting tickets, this its contribution so you can comment a ticket, maybe giving your opinion or giving, giving what you think about the feature that’s in the ticket. That’s a form of contribution to core. You can change the CSS line or you can just write the PHP or correct a PHP function, that’s contribution, you can maybe write the documentation of a feature of a function that’s not in the code base. That’s also contribution. So I think the easiest way to start contributing with WordPress core is looking at first contributor tickets in the Trac system and see where you can help. And also there is a meeting that happened at the last Wednesday of the month. I think. It’s a first time contributor meeting that happened just before the dev chat. So it happens at 9pm UTC plus one. And, yeah, there there are people that are dedicated to help new contributors to get involved in WordPress core. And they are very helpful. They’re very. Yeah, they’re very helpful to new contributors. They can guide people into core core team into what they can start with. And yeah, they give a lot of information about contribution. So one important, maybe one thing to do when you start contributing to core, is probably attend these meetings. So…
Christina: That’s really great.
Justin: And the meetings are on make.wordpress.org/meetings. So they the people can find other meetings that happen in the slack and yeah, the first contributor meetings, a very interesting maybe step in contributing to core.
Christina: That’s really great that they’ve got that first time meeting. You don’t feel like…
Justin: Yeah.
Christina: …you’re jumping into something and don’t know what you’re doing and yeah.
Justin: Yeah, that’s very true. Because when you’ve start if you are starting contributing and you attend directly the dev chat, maybe get a little bit lost, cuz Yeah, because people probably start talking about next release don’t need anything else and you will probably get confused.But the first time contributor is very, very nice place to be, or even me. I mean, people who attend this meeting are new contributors. Very, very, very ancient contributors that are here to help. Yeah. And so I particularly I’m particularly grateful to these people who commit their time to help new person that are willing to contribute, because it’s a very huge work. And yeah, I’m very grateful to these persons to the to these people.
Christina: That’s great. And what about for the documentation team? What’s the best way for people to start getting involved there?
Justin: So, I’ll say that the documentation team is currently one of the most active team in make WordPress. And so I think, to start contributing for all the teams, in general, for all the teams, the I mean, the normal way or I will say Yeah, the normal way would be first to go to the make WordPress page of the team. So for instance, if documentation: make.WordPress.org/documentation, and then read the introduction about the team, what they do, and what are the projects they are working on now and check what what at what time they are meeting,
Christina: Right.
Justin: so most of the team meets once a week, some of them. So at the meetings, everybody is like welcome to say, Hey, I’m a new contributor or how things happen here, whatever. There will always be someone who will be there to help. So you just have to read what the documentation team about and if you are interested in attending the meeting, you attned then say, Hi, I’m a new contributor here. What can I do? how things happen here? And yeah, there will always be someone who is ready to help. And…
Christina: There’s no shame in admitting that it’s your first time.
Justin: Yeah. Yeah. But actually, I personally, I think that many people that are starting contributing will probably be shy of speaking in meetings, but you don’t have to be shy actually. Because everybody there is there to help there to make WordPress better. And if you are here, like attending meet a meeting, it’s probably because you want to learn something or because you want to help, WordPress to be better so like, you don’t have to be shy to talk to people to introduce yourself. So to introduce yourself to 10 people what you are doing or what part of contribution you are interested in? Because I know it can be very, you can feel intimidated when you attend for the first time a meeting.
Because before before I attend the meetings, I mean, before the first time I was attending meetings, maybe core or maybe documentation, I used to research on internet, what are the people working there? And I was seeing like people using WordPress for what 15 years?! And, I started in Slack, and I was like, oh, how can I talk there, and I was like, all of them are very cool, very nice. And that’s one of the most maybe the most the greatest thing about the WordPress community is that everybody is open at least for people I have met they are all open in that they are all willing to engage to help to…
Christina: That’s been my experience, too.
Justin: Yeah yeah. I think everybody who is I mean if, WordPress is something like among all open source project to which I have contribute I found WordPress as one of the most inclusive and most open because for instance in for dev chats where, you may think that so when we start dev chat, most of them the person who is like leading the chats used to say something like, Hey, this is the weekly dev chat about WordPress core. Everybody’s cool here. We don’t make decisions, every decision happened on make make blog posts. So that’s something that’s really emphasized the openness of the WordPress community, because you may feel that at the dev chat, people will gather and decide what WordPress will be in the next days, but that’s not the case. Whenever there is a decision to be made, like we used to write it, people publish it, in blog post, and then people can give them their opinion and even people who were not able to attend the meetings. They so they can give their opinion about what’s going on in WordPress. Yeah So what I would say to every new contributors is, don’t be shy. Everybody here is there to help. And you’re more than welcome to say hi. So it’s very difficult to say Hi, this is so you’re more than welcome to say hi.
Christina: Sounds good. And if they’re feeling shy, they can say hi to you.
Justin: Yeah. You just have to raise your hand to like, put the hand emoticon there. Yeah. So we know that you are here in.
Christina: Yeah. Those emojis are good. Have you ever been to a contributor day?
Justin: Yeah. So I’ve attended only one WordCamp til now. It’s WordCamp Lagos. That’s in Nigeria. That’s just near near near like where I live. So I’ve been at the contributor day of WordCamp Lagos last year.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: And yeah, that was nice.
Christina: And then what team did you work with that day?
Justin: So I lead the translation team,
Christina: okay,
Justin: because Nigeria speak oh, an English that’s called Pidgin English and they have started a WordPress locale of pidgin. So I’ve helped on to show new contributors or people that are interested in translating WordPress to pidgin how they can start. How they can translate, WordPress core, themes or whatever. So yeah, that was really cool. And actually, I’ve learned a lot at these, these contributor day because they were things that I was not currently aware of off about starting a locale because I was when I start contributing to translate WordPress and later to core one of my it’s still one of my dream it’s to start the local in my in my language so I speak a language that’s called Fon-gbe and I’m really willing to start a locale in this language but before attending the contributor day I was not aware of all the work that was needed to start the locale all the information I need to gather all the documentation I need to prepare because this is what just like you want to start a locale at in just Yeah, because there are a lot of information that I needed to start a locale so I also learn a lot to this contributor day and, I hope. Yeah, I hope that I’ve helped people to to learn also, and I am happy to see that the pidgin locale is getting more people involved. And yeah, probably in a good way to maybe reach the 100% of coverage translation coverage.
Christina: Yeah. That’s really great. Is there anything else that you wanted to talk about, about contributing that I haven’t asked you?
Justin: Um, maybe meetups and WordCamps. I think for people who start contributing, it’s also interesting to attend local meetups or local WordCamps, because there you can meet people you know, or people you hear about in your community that work with WordPress. You can meet them and meet other people that are interest in WordPress and then talking about WordPress so I found meetups very interesting. So for me it was probably more difficult because until six or seven month there were not a WordPress meetup in my country so I have, so they were no meetups and they were not obviously WordCamps. So I’ve just attend one word WordCamp in Nigeria and just after that, we have had WordPress meetup here in Cotonou and so I I found meetups also a very interesting way to learn about WordPress or to learn about contribution. Same thing for WordCamp. WordCamp I also like I found WordCamp, I mean the only one WordCamp I’ve attend. I found it so much interesting that. Yeah, I hope for everybody who is dealing with WordPress or is working, or with contributing to WordPress to attend a WordCamp one day, even if it’s just a local WordCamp the spirit. Yeah, the spirit of the event is, yeah, it’s very nice. Very nice to see bunch of people gathering to talk about WordPress with happiness. Yeah. It’s very cool.
Christina: Was the WordPress WordCamp in Nigeria? One day or two days?
Justin: It was…
Christina: Or more.
Justin: is three days.
Christina: Oh right, because two, so did they do like two days? And then the third day was contributor day, or?
Justin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, there was two talk and presentation…
Christina: Right.
Justin: …and the third day was contribution. It was contributor day.
Christina: That’s a pretty decent size WordCamp, sounds like nice. How many people show up at your, your meetup now? Your local meetup?
Justin: The two first I’ll say an average of 20 people and the next meetup is so we have Friday it’s tomorrow. And we have something like 42 people that are registered. And so if I find it very interesting because we are just starting and so since they were no meet up before, it’s a it was maybe a little bit hard to, it’s still a little bit hard to the maybe the communication path. Yeah, to talk about the meetup to yeah to I mean, to introduce it to companies that may be be willing to participate or sponsor.
Christina: Right.
Justin: And also to enter this. It’s to participants that will be interesting, interested. And yeah, so it’s also maybe a little bit hard to find topics that people will really be willing to learn. So we just like two weeks ago we just did a survey into the participant asking them what they’re willing to learn at the WordPress meetup.Yeah, It was very, I think it something relevant to to ask people what they want to see at the WordPress meetup what they want to learn.
And the responses can be very surprising because us as as, as people working daily with WordPress, there are some things that we may be seeing obvious but for someone who is starting it’s not obvious at all, and maybe be thinking that hey this stuff is too much obvious we can’t do it at the meetup. But we probably be doing things more advanced, but people want to understand because they haven’t. Or they haven’t been aware of the basics. Yeah, it was really great doing this survey.
Christina: Yeah.
Justin: And Oh nice. We have been like, one week ago approached by a company who is willing to sponsor us. Yeah, it’s really nice actually because we didn’t talk to any company apart from those who are hosting the meetup about sponsoring so someone for the company approached us and say hey we really willing to contribute to sponsor your meetup. Yeah.
Christina: That’s really great. Sounds like you have a pretty good community that’s we don’t Yeah, that’s that’s a good size to start out with, I’d say. Yeah, cool. Yeah. Awesome. Okay, so now it’s time for my favorite question. I don’t know if people dread it or not but I love it. If you had to pick which Wapuu would you say is your favorite Wapuu?
Justin: So, I’ll say that. My my favorite Wapuu is definitely the one of WordCamp Asia, Tuktuk. Because I saw all the, I mean everything about WordCamp Asia I found it nice, very nice. First of all, the website that was very nicely designed with the background colour and everything that I really love, and also the Wapuu, the story I mean the the story of the designer behind the Wapuu also found very interesting that they have decided to share what are the stories behind the logo? What are the stories behind the Wapuu and whatever so yeah, I will say that is my favorite Wapuu.
Christina: Cool.
Justin: And I don’t know if I dare, I had the right to say my second favorite.
Christina: Yes. Tell us another Wapuu
Justin: So, so I as I say it as I came to WordCamp Lagos in they have done something like a very local Wapuu with like the Wapuu is holding a drum. And like, it’s like playing the drum. And yeah, this one and Asia are my favorites Wapuu. but yeah, the WordCamp Asia is definitely the first one
Christina: and what’s remind me What does the WordCamp Asia one look like? I can’t remember.
Justin: It’s like, he is like a Wapuu is holding, he’s hugging a virtual person or a virtual thing.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: And it’s like a little bit in I mean, it’s fun. It’s like a not so much habitual usual.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: But it’s still a very nice one. Actually what I love about the Wapuu is the color as I said, I found it very well designed. And yeah, actually all the design behind WordCamp Asia I love them all and I’m a little bit sad of the cancellation but I do understand.
Christina: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but that’s a nice little shout out to their Wapuu on the day that is today while we’re recording is when WordCamp Asia was supposed to start I think right today or tomorrow. Saturday?
Justin: This today we have 14. Six or five days.
Christina: Is it still? Okay Yeah, but it’s coming up real soon. Yeah that much I know well it was coming up real soon now it’s not of course but yeah nice that you picked WordCamp Asia and I will find as always I will find those two word. Those two Wapuus and put them on the show notes page. So they’ll be there.
Justin: Yeah. For the one of you just have to search for WordCamp Lagos Wapuu
Christina: And I can find it perfect. Awesome, speaking of finding things how can people find you online if they want to reach out?
Justin: So I think the easiest way to find me online is on Twitter because I think I interact interact there more than on orther maybe social media and so, search for my handle that’s Justin Ahinon. And one at the end. JustinAhinon1.
Christina: Okay.
Justin: So yeah, I’ve saw my story with Twitter is kind of weird because I’ve discovered Twitter maybe seven years ago, and when I came on Twitter, I didn’t At the first time love it. So I abandoned for maybe three years. And then I came back and I found it. Amazing. And I’ve met some interesting people on Twitter and later in real life and I found very interesting as a social place to engage and. Yeah. So I’m more, more willing or more able to talk on Twitter than on other social.
Christina: Right. Do you have a website or anything that people might check out?
Justin: Yeah, I have a website – segbedji.com. So it’s like s, e, g, b, e, d j i dot com. It’s one of my name. Okay. And yeah, and that’s where my website where I talk about me and everything. And I used to write daily notes when I, where I share things about maybe what happened or interesting people I met. But it’s changed a lot so people who used to come on my website, may notice change like or all the themes because I use it also for testing purposes. So I run like the testing version of WordPress…
Christina: Right.
Justin: And I used to test themes and plugins. It’s my lab. It’s my WordPress lab.
Christina: Sure. Excellent, so people can see as you play around with things. Yeah. Cool. Well, thanks for chatting with me today about all of your contributing.
Justin: Yeah, thank you for having me.
Christina: Thanks for finding a time. That worked with the whole timezone difference. Yeah, it’s good to It’s nice. There’s the whole great thing about the world wide web and being able to talk to people all over the place, right?
Justin: Yeah, yeah, totally.
Christina: Awesome. Well, thanks again, Justin.
Justin: Thank you and yeah, I mean, let’s see, I mean, thank you for hosting the podcast.
Christina: My pleasure.
Justin: I really love podcasts and this just my second podcast I’m talking on and I was like, happy to Yeah. excited to talk in the podcast because I listen to podcast almost all the time and to find myself participating in one is always a very interesting moment.
Christina: Yeah, I hear ya, thanks again.
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